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Wire Braided Hose Supplier

 Hydraulic Hose make up:
Hoses should be kept away from hot parts as high ambient temperatures shorten hose life. Protective insulation may need to be used in unusually high ambient temperature areas
  1. Any Hose that has been cut or is cracked or is otherwise damaged, should be removed and discarded
  1. Any of the following conditions require immediate shut down and replacement of the Hose Assembly: •
  1. Fitting slippage on Hose
  1. Damaged, cracked, cut or abraded cover (any reinforcement exposed)
  1. Hard, stiff, heat cracked, or charred Hose
  1. Cracked, damaged, or badly corroded Fittings
  1. Leaks at Fitting or in Hose
  1. Kinked, crushed, flattened or twisted Hose
  1. Blistered, soft, degraded, or loose cover
WARNING – Fluid injection injuries shall be treated without delay and shall not be treated as a simple cut!
  • Fluid under pressure can cause serious injury. It can be almost invisible escaping from a pinhole, and it can pierce the skin into the body.
  • Do not touch a pressurized hydraulic hose assembly with any part of your body.
  • If a fluid-injection accident occurs, medical treatment by a doctor shall be sought immediately.
  • Procedure when non-shearable equipment is across the BOP:

Sand Screens

An annular preventer would seal around sand screens, but the perforated body of the assembly would allow a kick to come up through the center of the pipe. A stand of shearable pipe with a TIW valve should be ready to be made up on top of the screen to lower it into the well. Or, provisions should be made to be ready to drop the screen into the well and close the blind rams.


At  low  pressures,  an  annular  preventer  may  seal around cables. Equipment to cut cables should be on the rig floor if needed to drop the assembly into the well.

Control lines

Similar to cables, an annular preventer may hold pressure. Otherwise, be ready to cut the control lines, drop the assembly, and close the blind rams.
Bottom Hole Assembly
Have a stand of shearable pipe ready to be made up on top of the BHA. Install the TIW valve on top of the pipe, and close the annular and pipe rams, if needed. In emergency, drop the BHA in the hole and close the blind rams.
Reasons For Monitoring Annulus Pressure
To monitor for communication between casing and the tubing string
To ensure isolation of wellbore fluids
Ensure pressure stays below Maximum Allowable Wellhead Operating Pressure (MAWOP)
Measure of how much pressure can be can be safely applied to an annulus considering:
Collapse of the inner tubular
Burst of the tubular being evaluated and next outer tubular
Annular pressure can come from
Heat from produced fluids expanding fluids in inner and outer annuli
Gas and liquids leaking from tubing or inner annulus into outer annulus. May be trapped or equalize (quickly or slowly)
Gas may leak into annulus from a “non-producting” formation
Procedures for Dealing With Abnormal Annulus Pressure
1. Bleed off the pressure as it accumulates
Requires a timely, reliable pressure bleed down procedure
2. Vent the pressure at the shoe to a lower formation through a gap in the cement at the casing shoe
Requires an open path from the annulus to a permeable formation
3. Use enough compressible material to absorb the maximum expansion of the liquid plus give a safety factor.
Sometimes used for subsea wells where venting is difficult
Challenge is preventing the annulus from being filled with liquid
4. Use pipe with a high enough pressure rating to contain any pressure encountered.
Requires extremely heavy wall pipe and that you know what the highest pressure in any situation will be.

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I am Joseph, I work for a site, I love blogging and this is the main reason behind creating this site. I share on this site topics about oilfield jobs and lessons. In the future, I plan to post posts on how to learn oilfield technology . If you have any questions about oilfield lessons, please email us.

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American oilfield